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Asked by: Badi Holderried
healthy living alternative medicineDo you have to be a massage therapist to do reflexology?
Regarding this, how do I become a reflexology therapist?
Aspiring reflexologists can complete acertificateor an associate's degree program in massagetherapy thatincludes courses in reflexology. Or,they can complete amassage therapy program and then earn acertificate inreflexology through a continuingeducationprogram.
Moreover, how long does it take to become a reflexologist?
Reflexology school programs generallytakebetween six and twelve months to complete and involve150 to 300hours of study combined with hands-on practice. Someschools offeronline as well as traditional classroom programs tomeet coursework requirements.
Reflexologists are trained to applyhealingmassage techniques to specific pressure points on thebody,specifically the hand and feet. For thisreason,reflexologists are also referred to as massagetherapists.For instance, reflexologists are required toobtainlicensing as a massage therapist in 38states.