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Asked by: Hassana Moreton
business and finance aviation industryDo you have to check into American Airlines flights?
Just so, do I need to check in to my American Airlines flight?
Check in 24 hours beforeyourflight Check in beginning 24 hours and up to 45minutesbefore your flight (90 minutes forinternational).Your record locator, or confirmation code, isa 6-lettercode included on your boarding pass andconfirmationemail.
Thereof, how do I check in online for American Airlines flight?
Introducing Online Check-In
- Click The "Online Check-In" Tab.
- Enter Your Booking Details To Retrieve Your Reservation.
- Select The Passenger You Are Checking In. All PassengersMustHave The Required Fields Ticked.
- Print Your Boarding Pass. Boarding Pass Example. Back to Top.AtThe Airport.
Once you've completed the check-inprocess,you can print your boarding pass,haveit emailed to you (so you can show it atthe airporton your mobile device), or access it in a mobile app. Ifyoudon't have access to a printer or a smartphone,youcan print your boarding pass onceyou get tothe airport as well.