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Asked by: Kostas Balabudkin
personal finance personal taxesDo you have to claim a 1099 on your taxes?
Likewise, what happens if you don't claim a 1099?
Penalties for not reporting Form1099-MISC If you receive a Form 1099-MISC thatreports your miscellaneous income and you don't include theincome on your tax return, you may also be subject to apenalty. Failing to report income may cause your return tounderstate your tax liability.
Also Know, can I get a tax refund with a 1099?
It is possible to receive a tax refund even ifyou received a 1099 without paying in any estimated taxes.The 1099-MISC reports income received as an independentcontractor or self-employed taxpayer rather than as an employee.Three payments of $200 each should result in a 1099-MISCbeing issued to you.
Missing a 1099is only a problem if you don't have your own records,and therefore don't know how much income to report.Unlike a W-2, which you're required to include with your taxes,1099 forms don't get filed along with yourreturn.