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Asked by: Emi Offermanns
hobbies and interests board games and puzzlesDo you have to leave a room in clue?
Also question is, can you stay in room in clue?
No. Excerpt taken from Cluedo 2000 rules:"You cannot stay in the same roomwhilsttrying to eliminate it from the investigation; youmustleave it and re-enter each time. You cannot leaveandre-enter a room on the same turn, even by adifferentdoor."
Herein, do you have to be in a room to make an accusation in clue?
In a Suggestion, the Room you name must betheRoom where your token is located. But inanAccusation, you may name any room.Remember:You may make only one Accusationduring agame.
In the same room (i.e. the hallway), there isanotherdoor which is closed (and the same doorisopen on the old one) and they also say youcannotgo through it. They looked through the rulebook, butit said nothing about the doors other than "Youcan'tenter through a doorway that is blocked byanotherplayer."