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Asked by: Mertxe Ceesay
education standardized testingDo you have to pass the Staar test in 9th grade?
Regarding this, what grade do you need to pass the Staar test?
The STAAR system annually tests studentsin grades 3-8 and tests high school students viaend-of-course exams. High school students must pass AlgebraI, English I, English II, Biology and U.S. Historyend-of-course exams to graduate.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you opt out of the Staar test?
The Texas Education Agency states that a parental rightto opt a child out of STAAR doesn't exist.Section 26.010 of the Texas Education Code says, "A parent is notentitled to remove the parent's child from a class or other schoolactivity to avoid a test." And not all STAAR testsare created equal.
If the student fails a third time, he or she maynot be promoted to the next grade. The situation is different,however, in the 5th and 8th grades. If a student fails theReading and/or Math STAAR Tests, s/he given two additionalopportunities to pass and be promoted to the next year'sgrade.