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Asked by: Dongfen Precup
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesDo you have to put ice in a smoothie?
Correspondingly, do I have to use ice in a smoothie?
They absolutely don't need ice. That being said,IWANT my green smoothies frozen, so I usefrozenfruit.
Moreover, can you put ice cubes in a blender?
Unless you have a high-poweredblenderthat's up to the challenge, putting ice cubesin yourblender can dull the blade. Ditto for big chunks offrozenfruit. Use slightly thawed fruit (ten minutes out of thefreezershould do the trick) or crushediceinstead.
If you prefer a thicker consistency, use slightlylessliquid. Here are the liquids I recommend for makinghealthysmoothies: water (filtered or realspringwater), almond milk,coconutmilk/water, raw milk, organic fruitjuices,fresh squeezed or pressed juice, tea, and kefir (frommilkor coconut water).