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Asked by: Quintiliana Buffa
food and drink barbecues and grillingDo you have to turn off propane tank after grilling?
In this manner, is it OK to leave a propane tank on?
Nothing will happen, if the tank is connected to the grill and the tank valve is left turned on, unless one or more of the burner control vales isn't turned fully off or is leaking. In that case, propane from the tank will escape through the burner(s).
Similarly one may ask, are you supposed to turn off propane tank after grilling?
No, that is incorrect. The proper way to turn off a grill is by turning off the propane tank first, then turning the knobs on the grill. This way you cut the supply of the flame first. Cleaning: The final step after you are done grilling is to clean off any of the grease and or fat build up that may have happened.
The most important thing is to ensure that the tank is not exposed to direct sunlight or very high heat, over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep it cool by ensuring that it has shade at all times, and by keeping the propane BBQ out of the sun.