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Asked by: Aleksandre Floss
food and drink food allergiesDo you keep nutritional yeast in the fridge?
As you'd probably guess since it's sold inbulkbins, nutritional yeast does not need to berefrigerated. Itcan be stored anywhere cool and dark to preserveits B vitamins. Aceramic jar in the pantry or on the countertopworks fine. Sinceit's a dry product, the key is keepingmoistureout.
In this manner, how long does nutritional yeast keep in the fridge?
Nutritional yeast has a shelf life of about ayearwhen sealed and stored in a cool, dry place. You can alsofreeze itin sealed bags where it should keep for up totwoyears.
- May Cause Unpleasant Digestive Side Effects If IntroducedTooQuickly. Though nutritional yeast is low in calories, it'spackedwith fiber.
- May Trigger Headaches or Migraine Attacks.
- May Cause Facial Flushing.
- Yeast Intolerance and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Considering this, how do you store nutritional yeast after opening?
To preserve all the B vitamins, store in adarkglass or a ceramic container to keep it protected fromthelight. Since it's a dry product, you want to lid tightly sealedtokeep moisture out — as long asnutritionalyeast stays dry, it can last for up to twoyears.
Nutritional yeast is used in the following ways:
- Sprinkled over popcorn or pasta.
- Stirred into soups for an umami flavor.
- As a “cheese” flavoring in vegan sauces.
- As a thickener for soups and sauces.
- Added to pet food for extra nutrients.