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Asked by: Dayron Brioso
food and drink barbecues and grillingDo you leave plastic clamp on Turkey?
In respect to this, can you leave the plastic thing on the turkey?
The "plastic thing" on the turkey legs is the hock lock. It secures the hind legs, or hock, of a chicken or turkey. It can be made of heat-resistant nylon or metal, and it's perfectly safe to leave it in the bird while it roasts.
Herein, do you remove the plastic holding the turkey legs together?
Remove neck and giblets from turkey main and neck cavities. (These can be discarded or used to make broth for gravy or soup.) If turkey has a metal or plastic clamp holding the legs together, remove and discard it. Tuck wing tips under turkey body, using them to hold skin over neck cavity in place.
The "plastic thing" on the turkey legs is the hock lock. It secures the hind legs, or hock, of a chicken or turkey. It can be made of heat-resistant nylon or metal, and it's perfectly safe to leave it in the bird while it roasts.