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Asked by: Teresita Bosshenz
food and drink barbecues and grillingDo you leave the vent open on a charcoal grill?
Similarly, do you leave the top vent open on a charcoal grill?
They vent hot air and smoke out of the top of the grill, which then pulls fresh air through the bottom grill vents. In most cases, it's better to leave them open all the way and use the bottom vents to manage grill temperature.
- Pack your charcoals together for strong, direct heat.
- Add coals regularly to keep your grill burning hot.
- Keep the top and bottom vents open to get the hottest temperature.
- Empty the ash frequently.
- Adding hardwood charcoal for added flavor and greater heat.
In respect to this, do you close the vent on a charcoal grill?
Adjust the airflow: Most charcoal grills have vents on the bottom. Open the vents wide and you get more air and thus a hotter fire. Partially close the vents and you get less air and a cooler fire. Make sure the vents are open when you light your charcoal and set up the grill.
When it comes to heating your charcoal grill, conventional wisdom instructs you to light the coals in a chimney starter and then once they are lightly ashed over, dump them onto the bottom grate, replace the cooking grate, close the lid, leave the vents open, and allow to heat for about 10 minutes.