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Asked by: Abdi Homuha
technology and computing web developmentDo you need a computer science degree for Web development?
Short answer: You don't need a CS degreeor any degree to become a web developer butyou will need to show the employers that youcan get the job done. You need to be able to solve the typesof problems for which web developers are needed.However a degree may be necessary to get a job in certaincompanies.
Subsequently, one may also ask, do I need a computer science degree to be a web developer?
The short answer is no. These days,having a degree in computer science is not arequirement to find a job in web development.
Secondly, what education do you need to be a web developer?
Associate's degree
Required Education Employers look for qualified front-enddevelopers who have a bachelor's degree in computerscience or a comparable discipline. They may sometimes considerrelevant practical work experience in lieu of a degree, butformal training is almost alwaysrequired.