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Asked by: Celene Leideck
automotive road side assistanceDo you need a front end alignment after replacing tie rod?
Yes, tie rods control steering angles. Infact,the tread or clamp connecting inner and outer tie rodsisused to adjust steering angles. This means that afterthereplacement of any of the tie rod ends, thevehiclewill need the wheel alignment to bring thesteeringand suspension angles back towithinspecifications.
Also to know is, does tie rod affect alignment?
A tie rod consists of an inner and outer end.Thetie rod transmits force from the steering center linkorrack gear to the steering knuckle. This will cause the wheeltoturn. Bad tie rod ends can negatively impactavehicle's front end alignment and lead toexcessivetire wear and front suspensionproblems.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you align front wheels?
How to Do a Front End Alignment
- Raise both front wheels on jack stands.
- Put the key in the ignition and turn it to accessory, sothatthe steering wheel will move.
- Look at one wheel at a time from the front of the car.
- Loosen the nut that connects the outer and the innertirerods.
Here are some common signs that you are dealing withwheelswith poor alignment:
- Vehicle pulling to the left or right.
- Uneven or rapid tire wear.
- Your steering wheel is crooked when driving straight.
- Squealing tires.