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Asked by: Neyen Classen
family and relationships marriage and civil unionsDo you need a license to serve alcohol at a private party?
Correspondingly, do you need a liquor license to serve alcohol at private party?
Private parties The host is not allowed to charge guests for the alcohol at a private party because the host does not have a license to sell alcohol at that location. If you host a private party in dry territory, you may consume the alcohol you purchased, but you are not legally allowed to give any alcohol to guests.
Just so, do you need a license to serve alcohol at an event?
An ABC event permit (also known as an ABC 218) is required whenever a licensed caterer serves alcohol at a catered event. The ABC license owner files a request and pays a fee to the ABC with the event date, location, event sponsor, hours and guest count for the specific event.
Do I need to obtain a Liquor License to serve alcohol during a private event in NYC? New York State does not allow the serving of Alcohol without a permit/license (period). You can file for a 1-day for Beer and Wine only (takes about 4 weeks and fees apply).