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Asked by: Neculai Jagujinsky
technology and computing computer networkingDo you need a phone jack for Spectrum Internet?
Moreover, do you need a landline for Spectrum Internet?
Fixed Internet Lines You don't need to sign up for landlinephone service just to have internet service via alandline.
Just so, can you use a phone jack for Internet?
The high-speed Internet connection can beshared with your wireless-enabled devices, such as laptops andsmartphones, using a wireless router. Plug your DSL modeminto your phone jack using a standard phone cable,then plug your wireless router into the modem using anEthernet cable to enable your wireless network.
Even though you can theoretically getcable or fibre broadband without line rental, it canbe hard to find a provider actually offering broadbandwithout a landline. Currently, Virgin Media is theonly major ISP that lets you sign up for broadband without aphone line.