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Asked by: Stanislav Farras
automotive motorcyclesDo you need a title for a dirt bike in Arizona?
In this regard, is it OK to buy a dirt bike without a title?
Dirt bikes don't generally have titles, few states title them so for the most part if you are buying a true dirt bike it won't have a title. If you are lucky the seller will still have the origional mso and some states do an ohv title but they are not titled in the same way that street legal vehicles are titled.
- Access your state Department of Motor Vehicle online. Typing "State" DMV will provide you a URL to the website where you will find a form to be completed for a new title.
- Look on the website for "Title Replacement" or "Request a Title." Then open the application form.
- Enter your name, address, city and state.
Keeping this in consideration, can you get a dirt bike title with a bill of sale?
In cases where the original title is not at hand, however, many states allow the use of a bill of sale instead of an endorsed title. To get a title for a motorcycle from a bill of sale, submit the appropriate application to the motor vehicle authority in your state.
In order to register an OHV in Arizona, it must have the following equipment: At least one brake which can be operated by hand or foot. At least one taillight visible for at least 500 feet to the rear.