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Asked by: Pacifico Salinger
style and fashion bath and showerDo you need an expansion gap for laminate flooring?
Hereof, do laminate floors really expand?
Remember that a laminate floor is a floatingfloorand must not be fixed to the sub floor or moldings at anypoint asthis will not allow the floor to expand andcontract, asthese floors naturally do. moldingexpansionjoint to relieve the pressure.
Accordingly, do you need an expansion gap for vinyl flooring?
When you install laminate and other typesofsnap-together floating floors, you need to leaveanexpansion gap between the floor and the wall.Mostpeople know this. So it stands to reason that you needavinyl tile expansion gap too. It depends on the typeofvinyl floor.
These cork expansion strips are ideal forfillingexpansion gaps around all types of flooringincludinglaminate, engineered and solid wood. These must beusedaround the perimeter of the room where the boards or tiles arelaidto control the natural movement oftheflooring.