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Asked by: Jana Browne
business and finance sale and lease backDo you need ID to sell at a pawn shop?
More often than not, laws will requirepawnshopsto have at least an ID presented, althoughthatdoes notalways mean a state ID. So with that in mind,yespawnshops will ask you for youridentificationwhenyou go into their stores to eithermake a loanonsomething or to sell something tothem.
Beside this, do you have to be 18 to sell something at a pawn shop?
Because of that, you normally have tobeatleast 18 years old to make a pawn loanorsellsomething at a pawn shop.
Consequently, what can you sell to a pawn shop?
Best Things to Pawn at a Pawnshop
- Precious Metals. Jewelry is one of the biggestmoneymakersinpawnshops.
- Tablets. When you already have a computer and asmartphone,yourtablet is an easy target for pawnbroker fodder.
- Power Tools.
- Gems.
- Firearms.
- Collectible Coins and Currency.
- Sporting Goods.
- Smartphones.
30 days