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Asked by: Zhivka Sigg
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDo you need planning permission for a basement UK?
Accordingly, how big can a building be without planning permission?
The permitted development rules have recentlybeenrelaxed, allowing you to build an extensionwithoutplanning permission of up to six metres (or eightmetres ifyour house is detached).
Furthermore, do you need planning permission to turn a garage into a room?
Planning permission is not usually requiredtoconvert your garage into additionallivingspace for your home, providing the work is internalanddoes not involve enlarging the building. Aconditionattached to a planning permission may alsorequirethat the garage remain as aparkingspace.
You cannot build a log cabin with abalconyor veranda without planning permission. Youcan builddecking in front of your property, as long as thedecking is nothigher than 300mm.