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Asked by: Meilan Brick
science environmentDo you need planning permission to build an underground bunker?
Also question is, how much does it cost to build an underground bunker?
A minimal bunker can cost upwardof$38,000, depending on how hooked-up the safe house is. Areinforcedconcrete bunker averages around 2,500-square-feet.One thatincludes kitchen gear and other amenities can costabout$60,000. In order to receive a bunker, shippingcostsa pretty penny too.
Also to know is, how do you make an underground bunker?
Shipping Container Shelter
- Dig a hole a least 2 feet deeper than the height of theshippingcontainer.
- Pour concrete stairs leading down to the bunker.
- Use I-beams to support the entryway roof.
- Place corrugated steel across the top of the container as abasefor the concrete roof.
- Weld a re-bar frame around the stairs.
A basic shelter built to withstand the effectsofa nuclear attack will set you back about $2,500inmaterials. If you use one of the plans in SFC Carter's Big BookonSurviving a Nuclear Attack, you can build yourownshelter for $5,000 to $6,000. A top-notch facility canbebuilt for less than $10,000.