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Asked by: Lastenia Hulpusch
food and drink barbecues and grillingDo you need to put water in a Nesco roaster?
Subsequently, one may also ask, do you put water in the bottom of a roaster?
Adding water to the bottom of the roaster oven before cooking defeats the purpose of the unit, as its function is to roast, not steam, the food. During cooking, juices released by the bird or roast drip to the bottom of the cooking pan and are recycled as they travel up and around during the evaporation process.
Then, do you put water in a Proctor Silex roaster?
USING YOUR BUFFET SERVER Fill the REMOVABLE ROASTING PAN from your Roaster Oven with 5 to 6 quarts full of water (or 1/2 - 3/4 full) and place inside ROASTER OVEN BODY.
Baking a variety of dishes is also possible in the roaster oven. A roaster oven makes baking cookies easy and convenient. Simply cover the rack with parchment paper and, after preheating the roaster, set the cookie dough on the rack and bake for the recommended time. You can also bake any bread recipe.