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Asked by: Uranius Jeeri
events and attractions baby showerDo you put father's name on baby shower invitation?
Correspondingly, do baby shower invitations have both parents names?
Formal shower invitations usually usethefull names of the host(s) andexpectantparent(s). Informal invitations may useonlythe first and last names unless all theguestsknow each other by first names. If there ismore thanone host, list the namesalphabetically.
Considering this, what information goes on a baby shower invitation?
Be sure to include the nameof themother-to-be, the date, time, and location of theshower,the RSVP date and contact information (i.e.telephone,e-mail, or mail).
Thehostess traditionally pays for the baby showerandits associated costs. However, the hostess can divide uptheresponsibility and costs by asking a few close family membersorfriends to co-host.