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Asked by: Thays Kraienhemke
business and finance construction industryDo you put rebar in sidewalks?
Likewise, is rebar necessary for sidewalk?
For a sidewalk, keep it simple and either use nothing, or just a few stick of rebar. No need to make it any harder than you have to.
Furthermore, how do you lay rebar on a sidewalk?
Since wire mesh is more to prevent lateral movement, lay down 3/8-in. rebar to add strength in the vertical, downward direction of the concrete. To bend the rebar into shape, have one person hold up the end of the rebar while the other walks down along the length. Together, bend it to the curve of the walkway.
Not all surfaces need concrete rebar reinforcement, but adding it makes concrete stronger and more resistant to large cracks. Without rebar reinforcement, concrete is highly prone to cracks due to tension forces. Rebar helps prevent cracks from growing wider largely by preventing cracked slabs from moving apart.