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Asked by: Aleshia Lizorkin
science chemistryDo you return all unused chemicals to their original containers?
Regarding this, what should you do with all unused chemicals after each lab?
Terms in this set (25)
- Hot glass looks the same as cold glass.
- All chemicals in the lab are to be considered.
- Return all unused chemicals to their original.
- Work areas should be kept clean and tidy.
- Pipets are used to measure and dispense small.
- Laboratory work can be started immediately.
Regarding this, why are unauthorized experiments prohibited?
Do not perform unauthorized experiments. Not only is this generally forbidden, but it increases the chance of an accidental mixing of incompatible chemicals. A student doing this in a lab course may be expelled from the laboratory, charged with a crime, and/or receive a failing grade in the course.
Any unauthorized experiments are prohibited. Students are not allowed in the laboratory outside of scheduled hours unless an instructor is present. Safety glasses must be worn at all times when in the laboratory. They are available for all chemicals used in the laboratory.