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Asked by: Davinia Wirthgen
home and garden home appliancesDo you turn boiler off when bleeding radiators?
Hereof, do you bleed the radiators when the heating is on or off?
Turn off your heating. Youcan'tbleed a radiator when the heating is on, asit may betoo hot to touch. You could also get hot watersprayingout of the radiator. Use your radiatorkey toturn the valve at the top of theradiator.
Herein, does bleeding radiators affect boiler pressure?
Bleeding radiators If you bled your radiators recently,youmay have lost some pressure. That's because, whenyoubleed a radiator, air is released, which lowersthepressure in your boilersystem.
Radiators need bleeding when pockets ofairget trapped inside. The air causes the radiator tocirculatehot water less effectively and so less heat isemitted,meaning it will take longer to heatyourhome.