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Asked by: Grigore Bulnes
medical health dental healthDo you use toothpaste with electric toothbrush?
Also to know is, do you use toothpaste with Oral B electric toothbrush?
Run your toothbrush under some water and applyapea-sized dab of toothpaste onto the brush.Thiscan help prepare your toothbrush for themosteffective cleaning of your teeth and oral cavity.Youcan also apply the toothpaste on your teethwhiletoothbrush is turned off to better spread thepastearound your mouth.
Accordingly, how do you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush?
Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angletowardthe gum line. When brushing your teeth, movethebrush back and forth gently, with a circular movementoverthe front, back and top (chewing surface) ofyourteeth.
For example, some people may still prefer to useamanual toothbrush, although evidence now showsthatrechargeable electric toothbrushes (not batteryoperatedbrushes) are more effective at removing plaque.Flossing isnow in the same realm as manualtoothbrushes. This is not tosay floss doesn't have arole to play.