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Asked by: Noah Jiril
technology and computing computer peripheralsDoes a 3d printer use a lot of electricity?
What they found is that that printer uses about.05 kilowatt hours for a 1 hour print, which is a very low amountof electricity. The average use of 3D printersfor an hour is 50 watts. In California, your rates can become 12 to13 cents per kilowatt hour in the low end up to 50 cents perkilowatt hour.
In this way, does a printer use a lot of electricity?
Electricity usage of a Printer. An averageink-jet which is designed for home use will typicallyuse 30 to 50 watts when it is printing, in standbymode most printers will draw around 3 to 5 watts ofpower.
Besides, how many amps do 3d printers use?
The standard minimum for 3D printers is usually240 watts (12 volts @ 20 amps).
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration,the average U.S. residential customer uses approximately 909kWh per month of energy, or around 10,909 kWh peryear.