Asked by: Lizhong Gillan
science environment

Does a community include abiotic factors?

Answer and Explanation:
Communities do not includeabioticfeatures. Communities only include the bioticfeatures in aregion, such as multiple populationsoforganisms.

In this regard, does an ecosystem include abiotic factors?

The biotic factors of an ecosystemincludeall the populations in a habitat, such as all thespecies ofplants, animals, and fungi, as well as all themicro-organisms.Also recall that the nonliving factors arecalled abioticfactors. Abiotic factors includetemperature, water,soil, and air. Ecosystems needenergy.

Furthermore, what level of organization includes the abiotic factors? Generally, the ecosystem is the lowest leveloforganization that is considered to include nonliving(abiotic)factors. So that would mean that ecosystems, biomes, andthebiosphere include abiotic factors. The traditional levelsoforganization are as follows: Biosphere.

Herein, is a community biotic or abiotic?

Biotic factors include animals, plants,fungi,bacteria, and protists. Some examples of abioticfactors arewater, soil, air, sunlight, temperature, andminerals.

What is the definition of abiotic factors?

a nonliving condition or thing, as climate orhabitat,that influences or affects an ecosystem and the organismsin it:Abiotic factors can determine which species oforganismswill survive in a given environment.

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Examples of Abiotic Factors
Abiotic variables found interrestrialecosystems can include things like rain, wind,temperature,altitude, soil, pollution, nutrients, pH, types ofsoil, andsunlight. The boundaries of an individual abioticfactor canbe just as unclear as the boundaries ofanecosystem.

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Abiotic and Biotic factors.Abioticfactors are non-living things that "live" in anecosystem thataffect both the ecosystem and its surroundings. Someexamples ofAbiotic factors are the sun, rocks, water,and sand.Biotic factors are living organisms that affectother livingorganisms.

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The term biotic means living or havinglived.Examples of biotic factors would include a frog, aleaf, adead tree, or a piece of wood. The termabiotic meansnon-living, or never having lived. Examples ofabioticfactors would include gold, rock, bicycle, brick,andcement.

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Abiotic factors include water,sunlight,oxygen, soil and temperature. Water (H2O) is averyimportant abiotic factor – it is often saidthat“water is life.” All living organismsneedwater. Plants must have water togrow.

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Biotic is defined as the things which arederivedfrom living organisms and the things which are not relatedtoliving organisms or not derived from living organisms arecalledabiotic. Steak, salad and grapes are takenorprepared by using the things of living organisms. Hence, theyarebiotic.

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Biotic components are the living things thatshapean ecosystem. Examples of biotic components includeanimals,plants, fungi, and bacteria.

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What is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors?

In ecology and biology, abiotic componentsarenon-living chemical and physical factors in theenvironmentwhich affect ecosystems. Biotic describes aliving componentof an ecosystem; for example organisms, such asplants and animals.All living things — autotrophs andheterotrophs —plants, animals, fungi, bacteria.

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Biotic factors are the living components ofanecosystem. They are sorted into three groups: producersorautotrophs, consumers or heterotrophs, and decomposersordetritivores.

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Is a community biotic?

Community Definition. A bioticcommunity,also known as a biota or 'biocoenosis', is the groupof organismsthat live together and interact with each other withinanenvironment or habitat. Together, the biotic communityandthe physical landscape or abiotic factors make upanecosystem.

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What are 3 biotic and abiotic factors?

These include things such as sunlight, temperature,wind,water, soil and naturally occurring events such as storms,fires andvolcanic eruptions. Biotic factors are the livingparts of anenvironment, such as plants, animalsandmicro-organisms.

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There are three main types ofcommunities;urban, suburban and rural.

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What are biotic and abiotic resources?

Examples of abiotic factors are water, air,soil,sunlight, and minerals. Biotic resources are livingoronce-living organisms in the ecosystem. These are obtained fromthebiosphere and are capable of reproduction. Examplesofbiotic factors are animals, birds, plants, fungi, andothersimilar organisms.

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What is biotic in biology?

Biotic factor. FromBiology-OnlineDictionary | Biology-Online Dictionary.Definition. noun,plural: biotic factors. A factor created bya living thingor any living component within an environment inwhich the actionof the organism affects the life of anotherorganism, for example apredator consuming its prey.

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How do biotic and abiotic factors interact?

Examples of abiotic factors includewater,temperature, pH, salinity and light intensity. Within anecosystem,there are interactions between the bioticfactors andbetween the biotic and abiotic factors.Animals depend ontrees and plants. Plants can get nutrients fromthe soil throughtheir roots.

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A community is composed of people havingaparticular characteristic, or, in this discussion, a passionincommon.

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What is the highest level of organization for living and nonliving things?

At the highest level of organization (Figure2),the biosphere is the collection of all ecosystems, anditrepresents the zones of life on earth.

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The biosphere is a global ecosystem composedofliving organisms (biota) and the abiotic(nonliving)factors from which they derive energy andnutrients.

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Ecosystem is the lowest level of organizationtoinclude both biotic ( living) and abiotic factors (nonliving).

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What is in an ecosystem?

An ecosystem includes all of the livingthings(plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interactingwitheach other, and also with their non-living environments(weather,earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere). Usually, bioticmembers ofan ecosystem, together with their abiotic factorsdepend oneach other.