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Asked by: Yahaya Imamutdinov
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes a digital thermostat have a heat anticipator?
Also know, what is a thermostat heat anticipator?
A heat anticipator is an electrical resistor device mounted in the center of many mechanical thermostats. It fine tunes the point at which the thermostat turns off the furnace burners. The heat anticipator essentially consists of a small disc attached to the bimetallic coil of the thermostat.
Secondly, how do I set the heat anticipator on my Honeywell thermostat?
How to Adjust a Honeywell Thermostat Heat Anticipator
- Adjust the thermostat dial to the farthest point toward the left to check the system's heating operation.
- Set the system switch to the left, or 'Cool,' setting if the unit is fitted with a sub base.
- Remove your Honeywell thermostat's cover.
- Locate the adjustable heat anticipator pointer.
Thermostats have another cool device called a heat anticipator. The heat anticipator shuts off the heater before the air inside the thermostat actually reaches the set temperature. Sometimes, parts of a house will reach the set temperature before the part of the house containing the thermostat does.