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Asked by: Faisal Rackham
technology and computing smartphonesDoes a factory reset delete my phone service?
Simply so, does a factory reset delete SIM card?
As such, it does not reset the devicetoits original factory settings and is not a way to returnthedevice to a state compatible with the manufacturer's warranty.Dataon the SIM card and the MicroSD card are noterased.The service menu commonly includes a tool that performsafactory reset.
Then, how do I factory reset my phone without losing everything?
Navigate to Settings, Backup and resetandthen Reset settings. 2. If you have an option thatsays'Reset settings' this is possibly where you canresetthe phone without losing all your data.If the optionjust says 'Reset phone' you don't have theoption to savedata.
Type resetSim Firstname Lastname and click Enter.Makesure you enter the name of the Sim you wanttoreset. For example: If you want to resetGobiasKoffi, type: resetSim Gobias Koffi, and press Enter. If youneed toreset all of the Sims in your currentgame,you can type resetSim *.