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Asked by: Olatz Kirchschlager
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes a fireplace need a fresh air vent?
Besides, what is a fresh air intake vent?
In many homes the fresh air intake is simply an open duct ran from an outside vent into a basement, or any room housing the home's furnace. Fresh air intakes can be in multiple locations throughout your home, especially in newer homes built to modern building codes requiring homes to be much tighter than older homes.
In this manner, should the fireplace vent be open?
The damper should always be fully open before lighting a fire and when the fireplace is in use. Close it when it's not it use. Operating the fireplace with the damper partially closed will not generate more heat. Instead, blocking the passage through the flue will result in smoke entering the home.
However, the circulated warm air could become suffocating hence it is a smart choice to install vents for fresh outside air in your furnace ducts.
- Step 1 - Choose a Spot for Intake Hood.
- Step 2 - Install the Hood.
- Step 3 - Create a Hole in Return Duct.
- Step 4 - Install Duct.
- Step 5 - Install a Barometric Damper.