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Asked by: Reinel Mallada
home and garden indoor environmental qualityDoes a furnace have a capacitor?
People also ask, does a gas furnace have a capacitor?
Gas entering your furnace is ignited bythepilot light, and burners heat the air. Your furnace usesalot of energy, so to supply the extra energy needed to powertheblower, gas furnaces have a capacitor. Like a battery,thecapacitor stores the extra energy that is neededto“jump start” the furnace blower.
Also question is, how much does it cost to replace a capacitor on a furnace?
Actual capacitor cost can run from $10 -$100depending on the brand and model and if single or dual-voltage-usually around $40 - $60, though some originalequipmentmanufacturers charge up to $200.
Worn, Damaged Parts Lightning can damage a capacitor,acompressor, the fan motor or the wires in the unit. Evenaweak power surge can damage or destroythecapacitor, which can lead to compressor overloadandsubsequent failure. A capacitor that's leaking oil is asuresign that it has a problem.