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Asked by: Benat Rutkosk
home and garden home entertainingDoes a remote control work through wood?
Consequently, do remotes work through cabinet doors?
RF remotes don't need a clear path to thecomponent. The radio waves can penetrate walls andcabinet doors. First, it needs AC power to the wall; thenthere is a line out for an infrared receiver eye that you placeon the edge of your TV.
Subsequently, one may also ask, does a remote control work through glass?
Even infrared remote signals usually penetratethrough glass doors just fine, as long as your remotehas direct line-of-sight to the devices.
RF, also known as “radio frequency,”and IR, which stands for “Infrared,” are twokinds of energy used in remote controls to communicatecommands. RF uses radio waves and IR is a kind oflight that can't be seen with the naked eye. Your TV remoteis IR. Your garage door is RF.