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Asked by: Sangeeta Drozdetsky
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsDoes all black glue contain asbestos?
Similarly one may ask, is asbestos glue always black?
Look to see if cracked tiles are black or dark gray underneath. Asbestos mastic is always black. If you have a cracked or missing tile and there is a black paste where the tile used to be, it could be asbestos. If the mastic has been exposed to the open air for a long time, it may have a gray tint though.
Herein, does all black floor adhesive contain asbestos?
Containing between 15 and 85 percent asbestos, these adhesives were manufactured mostly in the first half of the 20th century. Therefore, if your house was built or remodeled around 1984 or before, there is a chance that black mastic adhesive on your floor may contain asbestos.
Older floors often used mastic that contained asbestos. This can be highly dangerous to workers and inhabitants inside the building. This “black mastic” can slowly affect your employees' lungs and skin health. In this way, it's important to test your floor adhesive for asbestos if you are working in an older building.