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Moreover, how quickly does alopecia spread?
In some cases, patchy baldness may come and go overmanymonths or years. The size of the bald patch or patches andhowlong they last are quite variable. If less than half ofthescalp is affected and no treatment is started, there is aboutan80% chance of full hair regrowth within one year.
Similarly, what causes alopecia areata to spread?
Causes. The condition occurs when whitebloodcells attack the cells in hair follicles, causing themtoshrink and dramatically slow down hair production. It isunknownprecisely what causes the body's immune system totargethair follicles in this way.
It's rare, but you can lose all the haironyour head (alopecia areata totalis) or entirebody(alopecia areata universalis). Each case ofalopeciaareata is different. Sometimes, hair grows backbutfalls out again later.