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Asked by: Elbert Nine
personal finance credit cardsDoes aluminum foil prevent credit card theft?
Hereof, can you use aluminum foil to block RFID?
RFID blocking. You can use a myriad ofmaterials that are poor conducts of electromagnetism to blockRFID waves — just a few sheets of thick aluminum foilwill do the trick. Aluminum foil works to blockthem all; you just may need more foilsheets.
Just so, how can I protect my credit cards from being scanned?
Preventing Credit Card Scanning
- Buy a card sleeve or RFID wallet that blocks RFIDtransmissions.
- Stack your cards together to mitigate some of the scanner'sability to read information.
- Leave your cards at home and only use cash in publicplaces.
Some sources say that if you actually have anRFID-enabled credit card, aluminum foil does the samejob, if not better, than an expensive RFID-blocking sleeve. Othersources say that aluminum foil does not block RFID,only merely inhibits it, meaning it only prevents readingthe information from long distances.