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Asked by: Lauro Zinsou
technology and computing tablets and e readersDoes Amazon Fire have a battery?
Also, can the battery be replaced in a Kindle Fire?
Replace your Amazon Kindle Fire BatteryorKeep an Extra Battery on hand as a backup. Simple, EasyandInexpensive! You get a New 4400 mAh Battery, FREESpecialTools (necessary for installation), Video Instructions, ANDYoualso get a full ONE YEAR Money Back Guarantee exclusively whenyoupurchase from us!
Regarding this, how long does a Kindle Fire battery last?
It will feel similar to other 7-inch tablets inyourhands. The battery is rated for up to 8 hours ofcontinuousreading or 7.5 hours of video playback, with the Wi-Fiturnedoff.
While the standard life of a KindlePaperwhitebattery is roughly 28 hours in total from fully chargedto deaddry, just how long that time lasts can varydependingon how you use it. For those who do just a littlelightreading now and then, a month or more could go bybetweenplug-ins.