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Asked by: Yetta Walerius
home and garden home appliancesDoes an electric fireplace have a real flame?
Likewise, how does an electric fireplace flame work?
Electric fireplaces work by drawing in cool air, heating it internally using a heating coil and gently forcing the warmed air back out into the room by way of a fan. As a result, electric fireplaces can provide a flame without heat so that it can be enjoyed throughout the year.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the most realistic electric fireplace flame?
Electric Fireplace with the Most Realistic Flame Effect: Dimplex Opti-Myst Pro. It's pricier than most other fireplace inserts, but the Opti-Myst Pro boasts super-realistic flame effects that other inserts cannot match. Your guests will think you have a real wood-burning fireplace in your living room.
The average electric fireplace uses nearly 1500 watts of power. If you use it just for ambiance, then the cost can range anywhere from $0.003 to $0.03 per hour. However, if you use a heating unit as well, the costs will go up to around $0.09 per hour for a medium setting, and $0.18 per hour for the maximum setting.