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Asked by: Remigijus Adashev
home and garden interior decoratingDoes an interior decorator need a license?
Also to know is, how do you become an interior decorator?
Licensure requires passing a state-approved exam,typically the National Council for Interior DesignQualification (NCIDQ) exam. To qualify for taking the NCIDQ examstudents must have a combination of education and experience,typically the minimum of a bachelor's degree and two yearson-the-job training.
what is an interior decorator salary?
Salary Information. Salaries forinterior decorators vary greatly, depending on experience,employer and specialty. In August 2019, the median salaryfor interior decorators was approximately $39,502, accordingto The highest earners made more than$107,877.
InteriorDecorators use elements like paint, lighting, and fabric tocreate living spaces that match their owner's personality. Keepingin mind things like budget, function, and personal taste, you comeup with a vision for the interiors of a client's office orhome.