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Asked by: Alin Ewerhart
video gaming console gamesDoes Animal Crossing pocket Camp save automatically?
Linking a Nintendo Account to AnimalCrossing:Pocket Camp offers the following benefits: Yoursavedata will be backed up automatically. You canaccess yoursave data on another device.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the point of Animal Crossing pocket camp?
What's new in Animal Crossing:PocketCamp Your job is to collect as many of them as possiblebyplanting seasonal rare sunflowers in your garden that willattractthem. Share your Dappledots with friends for rewards.Collect themto earn exclusive clothing and decorationsfromKapp'n.
Just so, how do you save your game on Animal Crossing?
Animal Crossing: New Leaf The player can save by pressing STARTorSELECT and choosing to Save and Quit or SaveandContinue. The player ends up right outside his or herhouseafter saving and quitting.
1 Answer
- Select More.
- Select Settings.
- Select Nintendo Account Management.
- Select Delete account link and save data.
- Delete your save data.