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Asked by: Iordana Hechezarraga
news and politics disastersDoes anybody still live in Centralia Pennsylvania?
Also to know is, does anyone still live in Centralia Pennsylvania?
Centralia is one of the most famous ghost towns on earth, but the term "ghost town" is not perfectly accurate, because a handful of people still live there. We spoke with a few former residents, Jack and Becky, as well as one current resident, Jack's dad, "Guy." They told us
Also asked, is Centralia still burning 2019?
Today, Centralia still burns as one of 38 known active mining fires in the Pennsylvania. According to the state's Department of Environmental Protection, the fire could burn for another century if left uncontrolled.
Most of the homes and businesses in Centralia were torn down long ago. The majority of the residents began leaving in 1984. After they sold their homes to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the structures were demolished and the ground leveled. Trees, shrubs, and flowers were planted.