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Asked by: Kirsten Obydennikov
healthy living running and joggingDoes Anytime Fitness have classes?
Also know, does Anytime Fitness have spin classes?
Even after numerous classes, your spinbike experience can be different every time. Roll with it, ridewithout judgment, and do what's best for your body. Onaverage, you can burn anywhere from 400–600 calories during aspin class.
Secondly, how much does a trainer cost at Anytime Fitness?
We even found a post that said a trainer at anAnytime Fitness in Pearl, Miss., charged $25 per hour. Theprices we found during our research are relatively normal,and maybe even a few dollars below the national average of$60–$70.
If you want to get an annualmembership, you will usually have to pay aninitiation fee of $49.99, an annual fee of$407.99($33.99 a month), and $35.00 for a key fob. Ofcourse, these prices are around what you canexpect at your local Anytime Fitness.