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Asked by: Larysa Garrizo
technology and computing tablets and e readersDoes Apple sell refurbished iMacs?
Similarly, you may ask, do Apple stores sell refurbished?
Apple does not activelydistributerefurbished product to their stores. ThereareApple Resellers who do havefactoryrefurbished product sent to them by Apple, aswell astheir own refurbished Apple hardware.
Similarly, you may ask, is buying a refurbished Mac a good idea?
Refurbished Macs Are Cheaper If you want to save money on buying aMac,refurbished devices are the way to go.Used,non-refurbished laptops are even cheaper. However, theydonot have refreshed replacement parts and will not have anybuyerprotections, such as warranty periods.
No. All Apple devices apart fromiPhonescan be bought refurbished, but only from theAppleStore website. You might want to note however, that alldevicesmade by Apple, as well as other tech companies,makeuse of 'known good' parts from devices that have beenreturned forunrelated issues.