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Asked by: Xiuzhen Vantchagov
style and fashion natural and organic beautyDoes bamboo need a lot of water?
Beside this, how often does bamboo need to be watered?
Watering Established Bamboo Once established, bamboo does not require asmuchwater as in the first year. These plants shouldbewatered every seven to 10 days when there isnorain.
People also ask, do bamboo plants need a lot of water?
Recently planted divisions need daily wateringbyhand or natural precipitation for the first two weeks with thegoalof keeping roots moist, never wet. Bamboo does nottoleratewet soil; young roots rot sitting in water.Onceplants begin actively growing, they need noextrairrigation.
Light Requirement for Lucky Bamboo:brightindirect light. In it's native environment Dracaenasanderianareceive an ample amount of light. However, thesurroundingplants shade the lucky bamboo from directexposure tothe sun. Too much direct sunlightcan causethe leaves to burn.