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Asked by: Nastia Hennchen
technology and computing emailDoes blocking a phone number Stop texts?
Also to know is, what happens when you text a blocked number?
Blocking contacts via Messages When a blocked number tries to send you atext message, it won't go through, and they will likelynever see the “delivered” note. On your end,you'll see nothing at all.
Similarly, you may ask, can you block someone from texting you?
Remember, if you block someone, they won't beable to call you, send you text messages, or start aFaceTime conversation with you. You can't blocksomeone from texting you while allowing them tocall.
The easiest way to block SMS from a specificperson is to block them directly from a sent message.To do this, open the conversation thread from them in theMessages app. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner,then choose “People and Options.” Tap on“Block <number>.”