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Asked by: Jhonatan Ferry
family and relationships internet safetyDoes Blocking someone on Facebook delete comments?
Just so, what happens to comments when you block someone on Facebook?
The specific person you blocked may have sentyou some messages, Wall posts or comments beforeyou blocked them. This content will remain posted on yourprofile and other site areas. The person will no longer be able topost new messages on your wall after blocking.
In this regard, will my comments be deleted if I block someone?
After you block someone, their likes andcomments are not removed from your photos andvideos. You can delete their comments fromyour posts.
no, by blocking someone it does just that.You cannot see any posts/comments/likes/sharesthey make and they cannot see anything of yours. Nor canyou find them in search on facebook, and they cannotsearch for you. If you've blocked someone theycannot see ANYTHING you post from their ownFacebook page.