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Asked by: Boyce Castarnado
sports surfing and bodyboardingDoes Bondo fiberglass resin dry clear?
Also to know is, can fiberglass resin be used alone?
Bondo Fiberglass Resin is the same high-strength polyester resin that is used to build most boats. It can be used alone or with fiberglass tape, cloth or mat to repair damaged fiberglass boats, snowmobiles, jet skis, bathtubs and showers and also be used as a sealer on damaged and rotted wood.
Regarding this, how long does Bondo fiberglass resin take to dry?
two hours
This high-strength polyester resin creates waterproof repairs on metal, fiberglass and wood as well as seals concrete and rotted wood. Bondo Fiberglass Resin is waterproof and is compatible with all paints, including gel coat and marine paints.