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Asked by: Laia Spreafico
technology and computing smartphonesDoes cable length affect charging speed?
Correspondingly, does Cable affect charging speed?
Cables Can Significantly ImpacttheChargingSpeed of Your USB Devices. USB chargers canimpacthow fastyour device's battery gets back to 100%, but they'renotthe onlydetermining factor. The wrong cable canslowdowncharging speeds as well. USB cables haveadatawire and a charging wire withinthecableitself.
In this way, will a shorter cable charge faster?
Simply put, electricity works betterovershortdistances. Think of a hose. A longer cableisgreat if youneed to charge your device as far aspossiblefrom its powersource, but when it comes to a quick andefficientcharge,you just can't beat the performanceofshortercables.
One of the reason why cord lengthisshortis to safeguard us from SAR radiation whichsmartphoneemits whilecharging. It can be dangerous to talkwhilechargingis on.