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Asked by: Soraia Schipmann
food and drink barbecues and grillingDoes canned pineapple juice tenderize meat?
Likewise, does canned pineapple juice contain bromelain?
According to, pineapple cannedin juice has only about 60% as much vitamin C as fresh rawpineapple. Nevertheless, a cup of canned pineapplestill provides 28% of the Daily Value. Raw pineapple alsocontains an anti-inflammatory enzyme calledbromelain—all of which is destroyed in the canningprocess.
Just so, what enzyme in pineapple can tenderize meat?
The Enzyme Bromelain Bromelain is known for its ability to break downprotein chains. This gives it a culinary use as a tenderizerto soften up tough cuts of meat. In fact, it's such a greattenderizer that when using pineapple juice as amarinade, you only have to actually marinate for a shorttime.
To properly tenderize a steak, lay thesteak out on a plate and cover each side with approximately1 teaspoon of kosher/sea salt before cooking. Use your fingers togently work the salt granules into the surface, breaking down thefibers of the meat. (For even more flavor, add crushedgarlic to the salt.)