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Asked by: Ambrose Goldoni
food and drink desserts and bakingDoes caramel need to be refrigerated?
Does the caramel sauce need toberefrigerated after opening? Therefore, there's noneedto refrigerate although refrigerating itdoesnot do any harm. So long as you use cleanutensils each timeyou dip in and doesn't leave external fooddebris, it should lastjust fine outside of the fridge byitself.
Besides, how long does caramel last at room temperature?
Properly stored, caramels will lastforabout 6 to 9 months at normal roomtemperature.Should you refrigerate caramels? Inhot, humidenvironments, caramels should be stored intherefrigerator.
Just so, can caramel sauce be kept at room temperature?
Let the caramel sauce cool toroomtemperature, then transfer to a jar and refrigerate.Thecaramel can be stored in the refrigerator for1month, or in the freezer for 3 months.
2 weeks