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Asked by: Elitsa El Hammouchi
automotive auto buying and sellingDoes CarFax tell you if there Lien?
Herein, what does lien reported mean on Carfax?
What does it mean if a carfaxreportshows a lien on a vehicle? On the title, you shouldsee thename of the lien holder and a stamp of whether thelienis paid. If you see neither, it automaticallymeans thelien is paid by the owner and the title hasbeen renewed, orsimply, there was no lien to startwith.
In respect to this, how do you check if the car has a lien?
You can check the status of the lienonlineat the DMV website. You must enter the VIN, model year andmake ofthe vehicle to check the status of the lien.ifyou are the vehicle owner, contact the dealer or contactthelienholder.
You should not have a lien on your carthatyou do not know about. The third type is amechanic'slien, which may be placed whensomeoneprovides services or works on your car anddoesn't receivepayment. In your case, the most plausibleexplanation is that yourfriend placed a judgment lienon yourcar.